Cedrus Cleantechnology Portfolio


The Cedrus Cleantechnology Portfolio adopts a long/short equity strategy with the objective of generating consistent, above-market returns from investing in companies engaging part or all of their business portfolios in the clean cleantechnology, which refers to process, product or services with which negative impacts on the environment will be reduced through notable improvements in energy efficiency, sustainable resource usage or environmental protection activities.

Cedrus views the cleantechnology as a rapidly growing industry driven by increasing awareness worldwide of protecting the planet from worsening air, water and soil pollution that is hazardous to this and many generations to come.

Target investments are companies participating in the solar, wind, fuel cell, smart grid, geothermal and hydro (power generation and desalination) industries, among others that we expect to be the leading companies over the investment horizon.


Cedrus’ strategy is put to use a proprietary combination of fundamental, quantitative and technical analyses to pinpoint the leading and lagging companies within the cleantechnology industry followed by the initiation of long and short positions respectively in a bid to maximize the returns of the portfolio.

We manage the portfolio with a number of risk management criteria such as highest level of net long exposure (by dollar value and beta) and initial position size as a percentage of the whole portfolio, various maximum position sizes for longs and shorts, sector concentration, position liquidity, stop losses for individual positions and the portfolio as a whole.

For more information, please contact: information@cedrusinvestments.com